Here's a running list of B's issues this weekend. I updated every few hours, and some issues were forgotten and are not listed here.
yelled and cried because I wouldn't take him to his friend's house until he cleaned off the crayon marks in the car
took L's stuffed animal and started to cut off its ear with scissors
yelled and cried because I wouldn't call his friend since he yelled and cried
said he didn't care when I told him that his yelling was giving me a bad headache
at the grocery store: play fighting with J, wrapping his arm around all three kids' heads and necks, loud and disrespectful
cried and howled because he didn't know how to clean the crayon
fussed at me while I put the groceries away because I wasn't getting the cleaning solution out of the garage fast enough for him
yelled NO when I told him to help me with groceries so I could get the cleaning solution faster
GOOD: cleaned the crayon marks off
yelled and berated and backtalked all of us while he cleaned the car. acted like he was going to spray the cleaning solution in V's face
fell apart because his friend wasn't home
at snack, wouldn't eat taquitos because he wanted chicken nuggets. then wouldn't eat chicken nuggets. threw papers from the counter all over the living room and dining room.
fussed the whole time we were at karate because he was starving....until the very end of the karate tournament, when I was ready to go and he wanted to stay ;)
when we got home, he wanted to go to the park. I still had a bad headache and was tired from all the harrassment all day so I didn't take him. he can't go by himself because he and a boy up the street harrass each other to the point that the police had to come last time. he told the kids they were going to the park, then J was so disappointed that he joined B in yelling and arguing with me about going to the park. B threw the word 'retarded' and 'stupid' around and almost got J to go outside with him anyway.
B and J played a game of dodgeball with J' soccer ball. B threw the ball at the girls in their room and made one cry. I took the ball away and B said "his (birth)mother gave him that. you're always telling me not to mess with his birthmother. now look what you're doing to him." .... ok, I gave that ball to J, and I told B not to make 'yo mama' jokes to the littles any more.
B made himself a salad (the food I had set aside for dinner), made a big mess, and left half the salad and the mess in the kitchen
got J to play fight (which is against the rules because the CPS worker is wary of J' complaints that B hits him). refused to stop.
he went in the girls' room and walked on their beds trying to engage them in play wrestling. then he took their stuffed animals and pegged all three of them with the animals. wouldn't give the toys back when told.
*************ok this list happened between noon and 5pm on Saturday. I'll try to update more tonight.
OK, B and J were up in the loft together and being way too quiet. I called them down. B got irate that I told him what to do. Then he refused to feed the dogs.
When everyone came to the dinner table, B put his butt in everyone's faces and fake farted with a ball pump (.end of the tube in his armpit). Everyone told him sharply to stop but he refused.
At the dinner table, he screamed at L and V for taking all the taco cheese. Then he took the bowl of taco meat and refused to take any and refused to give it to anyone. I gave him three chances to take some, then I physically pried it out of his hands.
He put the ball pump tube in his water and blew bubbles. Then he put the armpit tube in J' water and then my water. He started blowing bubbles into a salad with ranch and spattering ranch everywhere. By that time I had the littles bring their food into the kitchen to eat quickly and go upstairs.
B blocked our way upstairs.
I made B stay away from the bedrooms and bathrooms so he wouldn't harrass the kids while they took showers. He physically tried to push through me to get to the area of the house he couldn't get to, constantly, for 15 minutes. Except when he threw clean folded sheets at me.
While I read to the girls, he waved his Halloween scythe at them.
J found out that the envelope with his lost tooth was missing. B told us he didn't steal it, but he hid it. Wouldn't tell me where. I told J he would still get his tooth fairy treat since it wasn't his fault he couldn't put the tooth under his pillow.
I was in tears and reminded him that he was in control of his choices. I got my phone and told him that he would make better choices or he is not staying here. Over the next few minutes, I dialed a 9 and a 1 ....
While I read to J, B stood at the door and loudly sang "if I die young, lay me down in a bed of roses" until I left J's room.
Then I got the dogs to their kennels and came to bed. AT 7:30. It's the only place I can go in the house to eventually get away from B. I say eventually because it takes a while to get away ...
B followed me to my room and sat on my bed and bounced up and down hard for about 12 minutes, singing that "If I die young" song. He took a couple of breaks to fuss at the girls in the next room because they are still talking. He just stopped bouncing, and turned on my light and is going through the stuff on my bookshelf. OK, now he is asking me who I am emailing. Is it about me?? he says. I tell him "I love you but I am not talking to you right now". He says "No you don't."
He is going to sit here and watch me or mess with my stuff until he gets bored or tired. He does not want to go to bed and he does not want to be alone. This usually takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.
He is in the hall now. He told V to get in her own bed (she is in bed with L). He called her "fricking nasty" and "pervert". I've now dialed 9-1-1 and will hit send with one more problem. I will ask for transport to a hospital or somewhere other than here.
"I'm going. See ya. Have a nice life" ... he's not leaving. He is afraid of the dark.
He totally knows what he is doing is wrong. He totally enjoys the conflict he causes here. I don't think that once he gets going he knows how to stop until he gets bored or tired.
Please tell me what you think and what we should do.
I'll hit send now, on Saturday at 8pm. You've heard enough ;)