Last Sunday we were invited by an old friend to attend a special service at her church. I woke up a bit, church-wise, and was proud of my kids for behaving so well there, and during the long trip there and back. I was hopeful that I could soon make church a part of my life again. I sure do need it.
Yesterday, I had my last few dollars in my wallet, and my car was on empty. While agonizing over finances, I prayed -- no, I bargained -- "God, if my checks come in the mail today, I will be able to go to that church again, and won't that be amazing for me and my kids?"
Tacky, right?
Well, God did me one better.
My check didn't come. Then I knew, as one does when God plants an idea in a brain or a gift in a heart, that we were going to church anyway. We would try one of the 6 churches within two miles of our house. I picked the closest, researched it online, and told the kids. One refused to go (I bet you can't guess which one), one complained, and two got busy choosing pretty dresses to wear.
I was blown away by the message of the day. I had tears in my eyes. I can't wait to go back next Sunday.
Thank you, God, for NOT speeding my checks to me. Thank you for taking care of me in ways I didn't know I needed. Thank you for being there, even when I am not.