Tonight, B, my teen, needed regression therapy, or whatever you call it, where I had to interact with him like he was two years old, because at the moment, he was. So I physically prevented him from taking every shiny thing that caught his eye and claiming it for himself. He's alot bigger than me, and I must have looked like a high school wrestler. Maybe even college level. He got his needs met and snapped out of it. Then he asked me if I was ok. My face was beet red and I was dripping with sweat. But he got to see me in action again. When I say 'don't steal', I mean it. I will do everything in my power to prevent him from stealing, until he learns to control his impulses himself, or moves out at 18, whichever comes first. He knows I'll fight for him. That is a gift I insist on giving him. I love him that much.
Before that, I half-way cleaned my office, then jumped head first with my girls for an extensive clean of their room. Looked a little like one of those episodes of Hoarders. One of my girls does not care about the mess, and the other girl keeps everything. We pulled it all out of their room except for their dresser and the clothes hanging in their closet. Most of the stuff did not return to their room. It looks so much better now. I love that they were willing to clean their rooms to avoid the consequence of missing our fun plans tomorrow. It is so much easier to teach a child who has motivation.
I am fighting a big bad enemy that has slowly snuck up on me without me noticing: lying. I am now addressing it constantly, consistently, and sternly to let the kids know I have zero tolerance for lying. Even pretending something is true doesn't fly here anymore. One said "It's going to be 89 degrees today" like it was fact. No sir. You are honest, or you are quiet. Some of the kids are getting better, some are not. I'll be more flexible after they learn how serious it is to have honesty and integrity.
I. Am. Exhausted.
Tomorrow brings hiking "to the top!" of a mountain, lunch with friends, then the movies to see Wreck It Ralph.
God bless our soldiers that put God and country before self. We owe you so much. Thank you for your honorable service.
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