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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

the dogs are so confused...

what a wacky schedule I have today. back and forth into town three times for different appointments. each trip into town is 30 minutes each way. look, I don't even have time to capitalize, apparently!

OK, here we go.

9:00 leave (I better take a fast shower!)
9:30 appointment with the behavior specialist at my adoption agency.
10:30 home, clean toilets
11:00 leave
11:30 vet appt for Holly, sore tooth and rabies shot
12:30 home - drop off Holly and I better remember to eat
1:00 leave
1:30 pick up little kids at summer camp
2:15 daughter one doctor appointment
3:30 home, straighten up
4:30 CPS routine monthly visit at home

Thank God for answering my prayer yesterday. Son one's new counselor knows exactly how to explain things to him, and he listened. Last night was MUCH easier.

Moving forward (to a 2-minute shower),


Monday, June 13, 2011


I overslept today, waking up when the little kids' transportation to summer school arrived. Oops.

Son one, pictured below, has his first counseling appointment today. This counselor REALLY needs to get through to him immediately or I am afraid my littles will have to be removed. Son one is angry at me for "ruining his life", even though he was completely on board with this adoption until two weeks after they arrived. I can't visualize how this will play out, but I fear for the worst...

Some will say to me "I told you so."

I have the right to adopt more children. Son one does not have the right to take that away from me.

I advise him repeatedly that the children will not leave due to his behavior, but that he will have to leave (by police car) if he breaks the law. It will break my heart to make that call. So far, he stops and directs his anger verbally on me when I pull out the phone. It will devastate me to send a 13 year old to jail. It will devastate me to lose my littles. What about my rights?!

New counselor, and God, PLEASE HELP!

Now on to laundry and floors,


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Me and son one

Rough day, but almost over...

quiet time

Weekend mornings usually start around 6:30 with me realizing that the little kids are already downstairs watching TV (I hope). I am the kind of person who needs to hit snooze once or twice before I can become awake enough to stand up without falling over. I lay in bed assessing whether the kids are being good downstairs and trying to remember what day it is and what I need to accomplish.

Then I wash my face, put my eyes on (glasses), and start feeding. I make a quick breakfast for the littles. Today was peanut butter on wheat toast and banana smoothies. While they were eating, I fed the dogs. By the time everyone was done eating and we had cleaned up, I made myself a smoothie (peanut butter, banana, and soy milk is my favorite) and sat in peace while the littles watched more TV. Another assessment: kids were content. Son two watching some Beyblade cartoon, and daughters playing dolls. I have gotten 45 mins to myself on the computer!

Time to get cleaning and wake up son one.

Moving forward,


Thursday, June 9, 2011


My memory was not very good before adding my three little kids to the mix. I may use this blog to record odd things to share with social workers. For you adoptive parents, I am sure much of what I say about my children will sound very familiar.

Of course, I will be keeping the identities of my children confidential.

Son one is happy playing with the next door neighbor boy. As soon as he comes home, he gets his gruff on. It's like he has a 'nasty switch' that automatically flips when he walks in the door. Much intensive counseling is lined up, and will start next week.

For breakfast, son two wanted the new cereal I bought yesterday. My rule is to finish the open cereal before starting on a new package of cereal. Otherwise, I would have twelve bags of almost-finished cereal in my pantry, and I am way too anal about my pantry for that. So, I gave him the choice of toast or the 'old' cereal for breakfast. He threw a fit, so I chose toast. He went to school hungry after throwing his cream cheese toast and fresh strawberries across the room. Now my feet are sticky. Ugh!

Despite many threats, daughter two did not run away on foot through the desert at night until she got to Mexico to her birthdad. She's the size of a four year old. Her statements "I hope I die in the desert" disturbed me deeply, though. Hopefully, she's just playing me.

Daughter one hasn't made any trouble at all since four p.m. yesterday, when I gave her the boots I had found for a dollar at Goodwill. She's sweet as sugar. For now!

Son two's new Hulk jigsaw lays in crunched pieces in the floorboard of the car. I can't remember why he raged ... probably because he didn't want to buckle his seatbelt. His head is so full of worries that nothing feels safe to him. He asked me two days ago with fearful eyes "What if you have a baby? Will we have to stay home alone while you are at the hospital? Can you find someone to take care of us?" There is no chance of me having a baby. His old wounds need alot of TLC.

Moving forward,


First Post

I've been reading a few blogs written by adoptive mothers for the past several months. As I spend each day immersed in children with limited adult contact, I look forward to reading new posts in these journals. Now I also want to be heard. Even if no one else is listening, here is my voice.

Parenting foster/adopted children is HARD.
Parenting alone is HARD.

I rarely say "What was I thinking?!"
I have made my decisions to build my family this way, knowing without doubt that this is what I am supposed to be doing.

Moving forward,
